Jaffa Cakes For Proust – Hauntology Vs Millennial Nostalgia

Jaffa Cakes For Proust – Hauntology Vs Millennial Nostalgia

Mooncat, Ocho and Gee Baker discuss televisual nostalgia through the prism of PIFs, Picture Box and Pippin the dog.

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    Hmmm… the comicbook review you mention isn’t this one from mindlessones.com by any chance bit.ly/1QjGZBz ? I’m an erstwhile contributor over there (Zom). My buddy Bobsy explicitly mentions Ghostbox in the post, and there’s a whole discussion about the hauntological vibe of the comic.

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    Super podcast, by the way!

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    Ocho 9 years

    I already replied to this on Soundcloud, but I’m going to reply to it again for the sake of anyone stopping by to read this. The above review is the one I mentioned and I recommend Mindless Ones as a stimulating site about genre fiction.

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